People’s Freedom Network – Message #4
Let’s make October a month to bridge the divide that has separated us for so long. WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF THIS EXPERIMENTAL “VACCINE” The “vaccinated” were told the injection was “the way back to normal”, but are now considered unvaxxed if they won’t accept booster after booster year after year. The unvaxxed are shamed […]
Calling All Trades – Nation wide Walk Out
I am a trades person, welder fitter of 27 years now. Like a lot of you, I have contributed to the infrastructure and economy of this country, helping to build it and rebuild it everyday for many many years, taking pride in the fact that my little contribution helps make this one of the best […]
We must come together, unify our communities and take action more than ever in the coming weeks. Check our events page to see if your town/city is hosting already. If not, be the one who takes the lead. Email to join our rally leadership team and be supported by others doing the same. […]
Enough Is Enough
We believe a single word is capable of becoming the most profound mechanism of change in our time.
To Those In Blue Still Serving
A message from retired OPP forensic investigator Vincent Gircys We’re currently living in the most dangerous time of human history. There are those among this world that possess the will, influence, finances, power and technology to turn the entire planet into a prison camp. Nothing changes simply because you believe in something. In order to […]
Ethical police don’t submit
Over the last year and a half, we have seen our police used as tools to abuse and suppress innocent people, for a fake pandemic and unfounded, unscientific, and abusive public health mandates. Must this story bare yet more misery? A powerful video message from a retired police officer.
People’s Freedom Network
Studies have found that for a revolution to succeed we must reach and mobilize a minimum of 5% – 10% of the population. In a country the size of Canada that means bringing 1.9 to 3.8 million people into concerted actions against the status quo.
Walk Out Week Pledge
Sign, print, take a pic and share on social media #WalkOutWeek #ParentsRising #MyChildMyChoice #MyBodyMyChoice The people are rising! Health freedom advocates everywhere are now saying: I refuse to co-parent with the government. I refuse to let my child be a guinea pig for big pharma. I refuse to mask my child, knowing that it is […]
A Serious Divide – Toronto Firefighter Letter
The attached is a heart-felt letter from a Toronto firefighter. The letter reveals the discord being fostered in our firewalls due to the COVID injection mandates. These mandates are dividing our communities in ways that undermine our ability to live peacefully and successfully in community. A prelude: “Our fire stations have always been unified teams […]
BC Government Preparing to Inject Children Ages 5 – 12 years
Dr. Monika Naus, Medical Director of the provincial Centres for Disease Control, and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, are preparing to inject our children ages 5 – 12 years under the Infants Act. A circular disseminated by the BC Centres for Disease Control encourages ‘vaccine’ providers to bypass the protective provisions of the 1996 […]
Weekly Wednesday Rally at City Halls Across Canada
Let’s stand united against vaccine passports. Meet at your local city hall every Wednesday at 1pm. Connect with others and be empowered. Contact to take the lead in a new location and help us spread the word!
Concerned Health Professionals Pen an Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan
We are a group of extremely concerned health professionals in the Okanagan Valley, B.C. We have some critical questions regarding COVID-19, specifically about the current reporting of case numbers, statistics, and testing, and the restrictions imposed by your health orders. While discussion of adjunctive and alternative safe and effective treatments is being stifled, the policies […]
Are You New to The Movement?
Truth and liberty are inseparable because the truth is a prerequisite to liberty. Watching mainstream media, official government sources, and big social media platforms sharing false and misleading information while censoring alternative voices has been shocking to many. This brings to mind a quote from Abraham Lincoln which reads in part, “You can fool some […]
Frontline For Freedom
This Sunday September 12th at 1pm join with Calgary firefighters, EMS, police, nurses, AHS and City of Calgary workers in solidarity against government mandates and medical coercion. Wear a black or blue shirt to show your support and come with hands free so you may join in a silent arms-linked march through downtown. Please share […]
Together We Stand For Choice
We need to end the contrived separation between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Don’t let them divide us. Help spread this image.
The Victoria Declaration
The Victoria Declaration presents a foundation for the restoration of humanity.Its authors declare that humanity is at a critical juncture because collectively we have failed to grasp the significance of the events unfolding around us and to respond appropriately. It is only through being conscious of every word we whisper and every action we take, […]
Free to Fly
For our entire history, Canadians have enjoyed freedom of movement, most recently in flight. We also hold our health freedoms dear, along with our right to liberty and security of the person under section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as upheld by the Supreme Court. The Canadian government’s attempt to violate these is causing […]
Back to School Strike
It’s time to stand up to the violations of our rights and freedoms and the unscientific, unethical, illegal, unconstitutional and harmful measures being imposed on our children in schools. We encourage all parents to refuse to allow their children to attend school until all COVID measures are removed. Children are not at risk of COVID-19. […]
This is Hate Speech!
Front cover of The Toronto Star, August 26 The Toronto Star is a corporation. Someone approved the cover and its contents. They need to be held accountable. This is a tweet from someone, yet the Toronto Star thought it was appropriate to print it on their front page. Please call and make your opinion known […]
BC Legal Challenge
Action4Canada and the Constitutional Rights Centre filed legal action in British Columbia against the illegal, immoral, unscientific and unconstitutional measures imposed by the BC Government. The action was received on August 17, 2021. To review the Statement of Claim: Please share with others. View this video of the announcement:
We Do Not Discriminate (Downloadable)
This is a very powerful message. The goal is to have businesses in our communities declaring that they will not comply with the orders to discriminate based on injection status. Consider printing and sharing in your community.
Dr. David Martin Interview – August 18, 2021
Dr. David Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians, must demand authorities investigate – potentially treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. Please watch and share this interview with others. To view the interview with Dr. David Martin –
The Victoria Declaration
The Victoria Declaration presents a foundation for the restoration of humanity.Its authors declare that humanity is at a critical juncture because collectively we have failed to grasp the significance of the events unfolding around us and to respond appropriately. It is only through being conscious of every word we whisper and every action we take, […]