Call to Action – Tell Your MP to Stop the Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) – CCF


The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is deeply concerned that the Online Harms Act introduced in the House of Commons on February 26 will significantly hamper constitutionally-protected expression.

CCF writes…The Online Harms Act would limit constitutionally-protected expression in the following ways:

The Bill would create a new process for individuals and groups to complain to the Canadian Human Rights Commission that online speech directed at them is discriminatory. The tribunal could order fines of up to $50,000, and awards of up to $20,000 paid to complainants, who in some cases would be anonymous. Findings would be based on a mere “balance of probabilities” standard rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The subjectivity of defining “hate speech” will lead to punishments for protected speech. The mere threat of human rights complaints will chill large amounts of protected speech….read full press release

In less than 3 minutes – click HERE to tell your MP to stop this legislation.

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