Oct 17-19 – NCI in Vancouver, BC – Call for Witnesses


OFFICIAL CALL FOR WITNESSES – The National Citizens Inquiry Wants To Hear From You.

The next set of NCI hearings are now set for VancouverBritish Columbia on October 17 – 19, 2024. NCI is accepting submissions from potential expert witnesses and non-expert witnesses to give testimony on topics related to “Are Children Safe in Canada?”

Expert” witnesses are individuals who give testimony based on their expertise, experience, and/or education in one or more specific fields relevant to the health, education, safety and general wellbeing of the children of Canada.

Non-Expert” witnesses are any individual who believes that either their own child, or the children and youth demographic in general, have been harmed directly or indirectly or have been put at risk by any current or planned measures imposed by any level of government in Canada.

Areas of concern:

  • The safety of childhood vaccines
  • Vaccination during pregnancy
  • The sexualization of children in school
  • The use of the mature minor doctrine to undermine parental authority
  • The exposure/access to harmful drugs
  • The toxic ingredients in our food and water
  • Child trafficking
  • Dramatic increase in chronic disease and neurodevelopment in children
  • EMF exposure
  • Failure to include parents in decision-making
  • Censorship
  • Child protection services

Testimonies can be in person or on video.

To apply to participate at the National Citizens Inquiry as an Expert or Non-Expert Witness, go to nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/testify.

Take The Stand For Canada.

Help educate the public and create awareness for the upcoming Vancouver hearings.

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