Weekly Activities
No matter where you live, pop into an online meeting, learn what’s going on, then decide if/how you would like to get involved.
Everybody Welcome!
World Council for Health
Webinar Times Vary – ONLINE
Visit World Council for Health to join.
Last Week Today - News Updates
Time: 4:00 pm PST – ONLINE
Broadcast on Twitter – LinkedIn – Freedom Forum News
TFM Report
Watch Live Every Monday & Thursday
Time: 6pm PT | 9pm ET – ONLINE
The Fringe Majority is social activist Jody Ledgerwood & communications strategist Cris Vleck exposing ‘under the radar’ stories on politics, legals, medical, and more. Visit TFMReport.com to access live show.
Life Force Canada
Time: 6pm PT | 7pm MT | 9pm ET – ONLINE
Become a Free or Private member to receive updates and meeting information.
IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinars
Justice Centre (JCCF) Weekly
The Justice Centre Weekly highlights relevant cases and topics from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), defending the rights and freedoms of all Canadians through education and litigation. Watch HERE
Vaccine Choice Canada & Canada Health Alliance
Manitoba Stronger Together
Monthly Gatherings – First Tuesday of the Month
Time: 6:30 PM CT – ONLINE
Manitoba Stronger Together is dedicated to cultivating an engaged & informed citizenry, leveraging the strength of our collective numbers to influence political representatives and potential candidates at all levels of government.
Save BC Kids
Weekly Tuesday Meeting
Time: 5:45pm PT – ONLINE
Protecting Our Children, Defending Parental Rights
Visit Save BC Kids for more information.
Email SaveBCKids@gmail.com to join the conversation.
Life Force canada
Private Member Meetings
Time: 7:00 PM MT – ONLINE
These meetings focus on taking action in Communities across Canada. Those who have taken any LFC course, such as the Private Member Association course or the Sovereign Community Leaders weekend course, can come together and share their knowledge.
Become a Private Member HERE to receive updates and meeting information.
Alberta Rising
BC Rising
Community Conversations with yyc ROCKS
Join yyc ROCKS every second Wednesday of the month for Community Conversations.
Time: 6:00 pm MT
Meeting Information HERE
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
Weekly Webinar
Time: 4pm PT | 7pm ET – ONLINE
Live webinar on emerging COVID news, treatment options, and other important topics. You will hear from experts who will also answer audience questions. Pre-register HERE
Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN)
AIN’s Guest Speaker Zooms are held bi-weekly on Thursday from 3–4:30 pm EST.
The Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN) are 58, soon to be 158, sovereign, indigenous nations aligning together to lawfully reclaim their land, resources and freedom for “all” people on Mother Earth. Anyone who’s indigenous (or non indigenous) who would like to sign the AIN International Peace Treaty or subscribe to the AIN International Guest Speaker zooms, click HERE to subscribe.
More info, email info@AllianceOfIndigenousNations.org
TFM Report
Watch live every Monday and Thursday
Time: 6pm PT | 9pm ET – ONLINE
The Fringe Majority is social activist Jody Ledgerwood & communications strategist Cris Vleck exposing ‘under the radar’ stories on politics, legals, medical, and more.
Visit TFMReport.com to access live show.
The Highwire - Brave Bold News
Watch Live Every Thursday
The HighWire has become one of the fastest-growing and most trusted health news and talk shows in digital media.Visit TheHighWire.com to access live show.
Healing Circle Meditation
True Spirit Healing with Dr Robbie O’Dwyer
Time: 7pm PT – ONLINE
Sign up HERE for meditation dates and times.
Penny Araujo’s Tapping Circle
Time: 12pm ET – 9am PT – ONLINE
Emotional Freedom Techniques, as well as meditation to help you reduce stress and anxiety and heal emotional and physical issues.
Sign up HERE
Vernon Freedom Rally
Time: 12pm PT
Location: Polson Park Fountain, Vernon, BC
Join the LARGEST rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!
Peoples of the Salmon (POTS)
Time: 2pm PT
Every Sunday POTS hold their de Jure Governance (DJG) public meetings at a Longhouse in Vancouver. No matter what event or alliance meetings that is happening in remote locations, they are always setup on their online PotS Conferencing. More information HERE
Prayer Group of Compassion
Time: 5pm PT I 8pm ET – Online
Join the freedom community in a prayer group to gather in prayerful meditation. All faiths welcome.
Register HERE
Roasting the Press
Time: 5:30pm EST
A weekly discussion on legacy and new media techniques, technologies and issues relating to news coverage, content distribution and press freedoms. Hosted by Chuck Black and Marie Anne. Join this discussion on Twitter – LinkedIn
Show notes and the video feed are posted on the Freedom Forum News Substack page on the day after broadcast.
Kicking the International Council Out of Local Environmental Initiatives (KICLEI)
With just five years remaining until 2030, KICLEI will focus on reasserting a local agenda over the global agenda through civic engagement with elected representatives. The work on national reports is ongoing, and these will serve as the foundation for tools and resources, empowering local efforts across the country.
Monthly Zoom meetings will discuss how Canada arrived at this point and to explore the steps forward. These sessions aim to support teams across Canada in navigating KICLEI strategy as a unified force.
Access UPDATES – Council Reports – Merchandise
Sign up to receive monthly meeting invites HERE
26th day of every month
Conservatizing Municipal Councils & School Boards
At these monthly online meetings, you will learn strategies for influencing policy-makers… and replacing them.
These meetings feature different guest presenters on the 26th day of every month and you are welcome to be a part of it.
In addition to sharing tips for influencing current elected representatives and administration, they also share campaign strategies. Perhaps you are considering running for office? Perhaps you are interested in helping one or more individuals get elected? What does it take to be successful? In each of these sessions, you will learn concepts and techniques to contribute to that success.
For more information, call or text Benita Pedersen at 780-349-0181. Email: PedersenBenita@gmail.com
Register for meeting HERE
NOTE: These monthly meetings reoccur on the 26th day of every month