Walk Out Week Pledge


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#WalkOutWeek #ParentsRising #MyChildMyChoice #MyBodyMyChoice

The people are rising! Health freedom advocates everywhere are now saying:

I refuse to co-parent with the government.

I refuse to let my child be a guinea pig for big pharma.

I refuse to mask my child, knowing that it is not safe nor effective in preventing the spread

of COVID-19.

I refuse to be coerced or bullied into giving my child an experimental COVID injection that

has no long-term safety studies especially when the risks of COVID in children is low.

I refuse to allow my child or myself to be harmed for the sake of profits to the

pharmaceutical industry and the illusion of safety for others.

I refuse to sit quietly as our constitutional rights and freedoms are slowly removed.

I refuse to be an experiment and to have my job and livelihood threatened if I don’t comply

with these mandates.

I refuse to be bullied into compliance by unions, administration and legislators who don’t

respect my right for choice.

Enough is enough!

As a parent it’s my job to project my children and I will not comply with these mandates!

As a free American, it’s my right to choose how to protect myself and stay healthy.

I am taking a stand against any policies and procedures I know will do more harm than


I refuse to comply! I pledge to be a part of peaceful non-compliance by keeping my children

home or staying home myself, the week of September 13th as an act of protest against




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