How to Get Involved

No matter what your capacity, there are many ways that you can get involved & help make a difference!

Table of Contents

Re-Open Parlaiment and Call a New Election

Our Parliament should not be prorogued without reasonable justification.

This issue has brought forward several actions, both to demand our parliament is re-opened and to dismiss Justin Trudeau and call a new election. To get involved, see actions below.

Send Automated Email to the Governor General


Prevent Genocide 2030 has created an automated email that can be sent to the Governor General in minutes.

NOTE: this template can be edited so you can make the message your own.

Access email template HERE

Help Educate & Inform Others

Prevent Genocide 2030 has also created a how-to video and QR code so you can help educate friends, family and the general public.

Phone the Governor General

Parliament is the voice of Canadians. Parliament is a necessary check on government overreach.

Phone the Governor General, Mary Simon, and tell her she must do her job and re-open parliament so elected representatives are able to make decisions for the good of the country.



JCCF Petition - Re-Open Parliament Immediately

Hold Governments Accountable

The Justice Centre writes…

Our Parliament should not be prorogued without reasonable justification.

In these uncertain times, our elected representatives must be able to make decisions for the good of the country.

Parliament is the voice of Canadians. Parliament is a necessary check on government overreach.

Parliament should never be shut down to serve the interests of any one political party, or to shield a government from democratic accountability.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Prime Minister of Canada to reverse the prorogation and re-open Parliament immediately.

Sign & Share PETITION

Petition e-5289 Closed with 61,652 Signatures

Petition e-5289 reads…

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada from coast to coast, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to urgently demand that the Prime Minister advise the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and call an immediate general election, so Canadians—not the leader of the NDP—can decide who should govern and address the pressing issues facing our nation.

Access petition HERE

Exit the W.H.O. & United Nations

“Pandemic Agreement” Negotiations Resume February 17-21, 2025

June 1, 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly took place and many of the 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations passed. The Pandemic Treaty did not pass but…the “Pandemic Agreement” negotiations will resume February 17-21, 2025.

It ain’t over!!!

What can you do?

Find info & actions at Prevent Genocide 2030

Read & Share – Hey Canada…take action message from James Roguski

Read & Share – SECRET NEGOTIATIONS by James Roguski

Support Bill C-400: Keep Cash Alive in Canada

Conservative MP Ted Falk tabled Bill C-400 in June 2024. This enactment provides for the development and implementation of a framework to ensure that cash continues to be available throughout Canada.

About Bill C-400

This enactment provides for the development and implementation of a framework to ensure that cash continues to be available throughout Canada.

It also amends the Currency Act and the Bank of Canada Act to remove the Governor in Council’s power to call in coins and notes. Finally, it amends the Bank of Canada Act to prohibit the Bank of Canada from issuing a digital form of the dollar.

Access full details of Bill C-400 HERE – Monitor status of Bill HERE

Why is the Implementation of CBDC concerning?

What if you could no longer use cash?

Would you want a life that is totally dependent on technology?

Explore more information, videos, and documentaries and decide for yourself if living a life without cash is concerning or not. 

Access information HERE


How to Get Involved & Take Action

How to Take Action

Stop CBDC & Keep Cash Alive in Canada!

Contact your MP and ask them to support Bill C-400. Send an Email to your MP in Minutes – Just One Click – Access automated email template HERE

Additional Actions, Information & Resources can be found HERE

Stand for Health Freedom - Email Campaign

Published Jan 9, 2025

Stand for Health Freedom is taking a stand stating that…The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) continues to make fraudulent and unsubstantiated claims about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine…read more

ACTION: Please write your policymakers urging them to call upon the Public Health Agency of Canada to be fully transparent regarding the limitations on the evidence of COVID vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity.

Access Automated Email Template HERE

National Citizens Inquiry - Calling for Witnesses

March 6-8, 2025 - Coming to Edmonton, AB

Calling for Witnesses – Apply HERE

Support Upcoming Hearings

NCI History

March 16, 2023 NCI hearings took place across Canada to LISTEN to stories, to LEARN what went right and what went wrong during Canada’s COVID-19 experience and to RECOMMEND ways and means of ensuring that any future national crises is managed in a reasonable manner.

Say NO to Bill C-293: Pandemic Prevention & Preparedness Act

About Bill C-293

Pandemic Prevention & Preparedness Act

Bill C-293 is a private members bill sponsored by Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. It has already had its first reading in the Canadian Senate, and they will decide to either pass, amend, or reject C-293 at some point during the next session. 

Monitor Bill HERE

Access vote detail HERE

What's Happening?

The Canadian government is on the verge of passing legislation to create a pandemic prevention and preparedness (C-293) plan WITHOUT first having an official review and analysis of the response to COVID-19. Read more

What is the Concern?
  1. Watch Sept 19 Press Conference
  2. Watch video with David Redmond
  3. Watch video with lawyer Lisa Miron and Michael Alexander
  4. Watch Lawyer Lisa’s public letter to Canadian MP’s
  5. For updates, visit LawyerLisa’s substack
  6. Visit StopC-293 for actions, resources & automated email templates
  7. Visit for updates and template letters
  8. Visit Speak Now Canada for updates and template letters
  9. Visit Kill Bill 293 Door Knocker Campaign
How to Get Involved & Take Action

Send an automated email to Senators, MPP’s/MLA’s and MP’s in minutes! This template can be edited so you can make the message your own.

You can also copy and paste the template content into word so you can mail a hard copy letter. 

Access automated email template at

Access additional actions, templates and resources HERE

Kill Bill C-293 Door Knocker Campaign

Kill Bill 293 Campaign has three central goals:

  1. To make every Canadian aware of clear and imminent threat of Bill C-293
  2. To make every Senator, MP and MPP aware of Bill-293 and our opposition to it
  3. To provide Canadians with the resources to make this campaign possible

Watch and share video of this campaign in action HERE

Digital ID: Protect Your Right to Privacy

Digital ID In Canada - Faytene Show

Interview with MP Leslyn Lewis and Luke Neilson from JCCF

Stop Privacy Violating Digital ID

Governments across the world are trying to implement DIGITAL ID. This new system(s) will consolidate your personal information, medical information, financial information, business information, work information…

Digital ID will be marketed as a convenience for you but it is important to question what this is really about and why is it necessary?  Will digital ID be beneficial to you or will it just give the government more power to track everything you do and say?

Send letters to your MP and let them know you do not agree that Canada should implement Digital ID. The government should not know about your interests, beliefs, behaviours, transactions, performance, personality, or preferences! Access resources HERE.

Digital ID – Surveillance & the Value of Privacy: Part 1 HERE – Part 2 HERE

National Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA)

Protect Natural Health Products & Practices

National Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) is leading a nationwide campaign to stop the Self-Care Framework, which when fully implemented, will result in the loss of most of our natural health products in CanadaSubscribe to NHPPA to receive important updates.

Educate Yourself & Others

Key issues are explained in this video

Summary of Key Issues:

  1. Health Canada is implementing stricter regulations that will significantly impact consumer choice and restrict access to health products and supplements.
  2. Health Canada is introducing new fees on natural health products, which will place a considerable financial strain on NHP businesses. This will lead to significant price hikes for consumers or even force many small to medium-sized companies out of business.
  3. Increased Health Canada censorship will prevent truthful advertising by both manufacturers and natural health stores.
  4. Huge fines will cripple the natural health community.
    Prior to June 22, 2023, the maximum fine you faced for violating the laws on NHPs (such as selling a product with improper labelling) was $5,000. Now it is $5,000,000 a day.
Contact Key Health Canada Bureaucrats

Send Electronic Letters To Key Bureaucrats & Departments 


Send Physical Letters To Bureaucrats

Learn how to take action HERE

Charter of Health Freedom Explained

Why the Charter of Health Freedom Matters

The Charter of Health Freedom is proposed legislation that gives Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines their own Act.

Learn more HERE

Charter of Health Freedom Petition Kit

Charter of Health Freedom Petition

Gather Signatures

  • Watch & share 4min educational video
  • Get the Petition Kit – Access kit HERE
  • Gather Signatures: Bring the petition to your summer events, barbecues, family gatherings, community functions.
  • Mail Completed Petitions: Send the filled pages to NHPPA

*Remember, each person can only sign once!

Currently over 135,000 signatures

Discussion Paper on 2023 Health Canada Initiatives

Discussion Paper by Shawn Buckley – Published June 2023

All the things that we didn’t want to have happen to the natural health product industry are now happening—all at once.

Some industry members have thought NHPPA’s warnings were exaggerated for nearly 16 years. Now, in what feels like one fell swoop, Health Canada is moving forward with multiple initiatives that will assault the natural health industry and consumer access to natural health products and practices. We feel vindicated and horrified at the same time. If Canadians allow these changes to occur, it will be the end of the natural health product industry as we know it.

Read Discussion Paper HERE

Bill C-63: Canada's Online Harms Act

Bill is on hold due to Prorogued Parliament

Protect freedom of expression in Canada!

Say NO to More Censorship

February 26, 2024 Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Arif Virani introduced Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act, in the House of Commons. This Act threatens free expression in Canada.

“Bill C-63 (the Online Harms Act) is the most totalitarian bill I have ever seen” – Dr. Jordan Peterson

Explore the four organizations below to learn more and get involved.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

April 10, 2024 the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) presented more than 50,000 petition signatures against the Online Harms Act to the Minister of Justice and all Parliamentarians.

The Canadians who signed the JCCF petition assert that:

  • The Online Harms Act threatens freedom of expression in Canada.
  • Canadians’ online expression should not be censored unless it violates the Criminal Code.
  • No Canadian should face an anonymous human rights complaint for what they have said.
  • No Canadian should be hauled before a court or punished merely because somebody “fears” they will say something hateful.
  • No Canadian should face life imprisonment for their expression.

Watch VIDEO of Justice Centre Weekly with John Carpay

How to Take Action

Sign & share JCCF petition HERE

Read and share JCCF’s full statement – Access document HERE

Email or write to your MP, sharing your concerns and include the JCCF statement in your communications.

Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF)

Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF)

The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is deeply concerned that the Online Harms Act introduced in the House of Commons on February 26 will significantly hamper constitutionally-protected expression.

CCF writes…The Online Harms Act would limit constitutionally-protected expression in the following ways:

The Bill would create a new process for individuals and groups to complain to the Canadian Human Rights Commission that online speech directed at them is discriminatory. The tribunal could order fines of up to $50,000, and awards of up to $20,000 paid to complainants, who in some cases would be anonymous. Findings would be based on a mere “balance of probabilities” standard rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The subjectivity of defining “hate speech” will lead to punishments for protected speech. The mere threat of human rights complaints will chill large amounts of protected speech….read full press release

In less than 3 minutes – click HERE to tell your MP to stop this legislation.

The Democracy Fund

The Democracy Fund’s Brief – Bill C-63: What you need to know

The Government of Canada has introduced the Online Harms Bill C-63 to regulate and suppress “harmful speech.” The Bill requires social media companies to remove certain speech, failing which they will incur substantial fines.

It re-introduces s.13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, allowing government censors to investigate and prosecute online speech. It empowers and incentivizes the public to anonymously inform on other citizens for online “hate speech.” It amends the Criminal Code to criminalize conduct mostly covered by existing offences, and includes disproportionately severe penalties for speech crimes… Read full brief

Save Free Speech

Save Free Speech is committed to stopping this legislation, exposing those responsible, and encouraging all Canadians to speak out boldly.

Visit their website to access:

  • Video to help you learn how we can fight back together
  • Online tool to send your Member of Parliament a personalized email that tells them you disagree and disapprove of Bill C-63!
  • Coming soon…documentary that exposes the deceitful people behind the Bill-C63 legislation!


Visit Save Free Speech

More Resources

Access more information, resources and actions HERE

Political Scorecards Canada


Access scorecards to learn about your Elected Representatives and Candidates performance.

Volunteer & Help Build Scorecards – Submit a performance report. This would include a verified public statement of a political candidate or representative either supporting or not supporting our rights and freedoms.

Help Distribute Scorecards in Your CommunityDownload, print and share scorecards.

Join the People in a Pledge – Sign pledge HERE

For the PoliticianComplete a QuestionnaireJoin the Pledge

Kicking the International Council Out of Local Environmental Initiatives (KICLEI)

Local Action - National Results

Kicking the International Council Out of Local Environmental Initiatives (KICLEI)  educates and supports local communities to push back against global agendas and reallocate their resources toward local priorities.

Momentum is growing across Canada as more municipalities question the financial and governance risks of global climate programs like FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection (PCP). KICLEI is working to ensure local councils prioritize municipal needs over global directives—and we need your help to push this forward!

Attend a monthly meeting to learn more about KICLEI and how you can take back your community! Pre-register HERE

Strategic Areas of Focus Include:

  • Preliminary Research & Organization
  • NGO Research
  • Report Development
  • Report Submission & Advocacy Preparation
  • Public Campaign Development
  • Townhall Presentation Preparation
  • In-Person Meetings, Delegations, and Presentations
  • Messaging Support for Local Councils
  • PR Support for Candidates and Political Actors

Action4Canada: Smart Cities

Smart Cities / 15 Minute Cities / C40 Cities

Are SMART Cities really so smart? Do 15 Minute Cities make them sound SMARTer? Does spending trillions of taxpayers dollars on this money laundering scheme sound like a good deal? If the answer is no, no and no then you need to get involved and make your voice heard.

Will choosing convenience lead to total loss of our rights and freedoms?

Visit Action4Canada to learn about the many ways the public is being led to believe this is a good idea. Access valuable resources that can be used to educate government officials and the general public. Resources include educational videos, interviews, Notice of Liability, Smart Cities leaflet and more!

TAKE ACTION: Visit Action4Canada to access NOL and Smart City Leaflet

Ongoing Opportunities to Educate Yourself & Others

Networking - Voluntering - Join a Meeting

No matter what your capacity, there is always a way to get involved in the freedom movement. Every role is of equal importance as most campaigns, actions and/or events require the unity and collaboration of a team to make the most impact possible!

Ultimately an effective team includes individuals with different strengths, different skill sets and different ways of thinking. To learn about ways you can get involved, join a meeting, participate in an event or sign up for a workshop.

You are not alone! Explore opportunities to network & get involved HERE


What if we had no internet? Well…hopefully we would still have Druthers News. It is important to support freedom of the press as you can not have a democracy without it! These are just a few reasons we need to support Druthers.

Help spread the truth so people can make informed decisions and protect their rights and freedoms. 

How to help spread Druthers news:

Plan a Townhall in Your Community

The purpose of BCTownhalls2024 is to hold in-person community events (TownHalls) across BC. Why? Our communities and province are in trouble. Most people do not know about bills and laws introduced in BC that will significantly affect your life, such as access to health care and property ownership. We all need to start listening & talking to each other about the issues that affect us.

A professional team of medical, business, and administrative experts and event planners have put together a packaged template to help YOU organize a successful event. WE are ALL VOLUNTEERS!

Visit BCTownhalls2024 to start planning a town hall in your community!

Distribute Medical Doctor Package

Help get the Medical Doctor Package into your community. YOU have the ability to make a difference by simply sharing this package with kindness and professionalism. It’s a great tool to start a conversation. Sincere human connection combined with this document has shown to be successful.

Medical Doctor Packages are available for: British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Saskatchewan

TAKE ACTION: Distribute these Medical Doctor Packages and/or their Informed Consent Brochures.

Rapid Antigen Test fact sheet and cease & desist document also available HERE

Freedom of Information (FOI) How to Video

This is such an IMPORTANT project! Ultimately putting the time in to building a FOI library is an investment worth making so we can contribute information and evidence to current and future court cases and have data available to the public that can support a specific cause.

Never done a FOI request before? No problem as the FOI team has put together a training video that you can watch and share or simply send an email to the team and ask for some personal training time. Also a good idea to invite some friends and make this a team project of your own.

The FOI Library is on the verge of a merge. For updates, visit Canadian Covid Care Alliance Archive
