A former senior Ottawa Detective, Constable Helen Grus, is scheduled to appear for a continuation of her disciplinary hearing from January 6-10 and 14-17 in Kanata, ON.
Given the preponderance of evidence now available demonstrating the link between mRNA COVID-19 injections and infant mortality, and other issues related to the female reproductive system, Canadians aware of the upcoming disciplinary hearing are asking that the charge against Const. Grus be dropped. Read more
Call to Action Instructions:
The attached letter can be modified in any manner you feel necessary. It is intended to be a guide of factual information and difficult questions that may provoke the necessary withdrawal of the charges against Detective Grus.
- Create an email for each recipient
- Cut and Paste the letter into your email
- Create something respectful on the Subject line
- Put the name of the recipient on page 1
- Add your name on the last page
Complete your letters and email them individually to the OPS members on this attached list.
Feel free to email them to others who may “need to know” as well.
For more details about this case, visit DonaldBest.ca