Deadline Apr 25 – Protect Natural Health Products – Health Canada wants Your Feedback


It’s clear that the stakes are high for the natural health product industry in Canada. Tell Health Canada What You Think Of Their Plans To Crush The Natural Health Product Industry. The deadline to voice your concerns about the proposed new fee guidelines to Health Canada is April 25th. Your voice matters, participate by submitting your feedback HERE.

In addition to giving Health Canada your feedback, there are additional actions to take – listed below – as the second reading for the Private Members Bill (Bill C-368) is fast-approaching. Members of Parliament will soon vote for or against this Bill that aims to protect the natural health products in Canada by repealing sections 500-504 of Bill C-47 which applied $5 million per day fines to the industry.

Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) need your help to reach as many Canadians as possible, and inform them of how they too can support Bill C-368 and safeguard their access to natural remedies.

There are six important actions you can take NOW!

  • Tell Health Canada What You Think Of Their Plans To Crush The Natural Health Product Industry – Deadline April 25 – Submit your feedback HERE.
  • Sign the e-petition
  • Send an electronic letter to your MP
  • Write a letter and send to your MP
  • Share 2 min video to your family, friends and networks explaining BILL C-368
  • Subscribe to stay informed about ongoing actions, meetings and volunteer opportunities

On Tuesday December 5, 2023, MP Blaine Calkins of Red Deer—Lacombe, Alberta, took a decisive stand in support of NHPPA’s cause and officially tabled their Private Member’s Bill in the House of Commons. The Bill was seconded by MP Brad Vis, and given the official Bill number C-368.

​You can watch the reading in the House HERE (1.5 minute watch)

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