THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT HEALTH YOUNGER AND YOUNGER CHILDREN ARE BEING TARGETED The most fundamental right of a parent—the right to make decisions re the health of their children—and even toddlers is about to be taken away by health ministries and schools. Our children have become victims—not of the virus but of Government policy, school officials— and parents. We have been projecting our fears onto our children for over 1½ years. Imagine! Children between 3 and 7 have spent a fifth to a third of their lives behind masks, learning our fear—of friends, the world, of life. This is not for their health but to make US feel safer. GOOD NEWS: People under 19 are at ZERO (statistically 0.0000) risk of death from COVID. They need no masks, no vaxx, no fear at all. They have never been at risk. See the stats here, pages 5 and 6. MAMA BEARS ARE SAYING “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

March 6-8 – National Citizens Inquiry in Edmonton, AB
The next set of NCI hearings are now set for Edmonton, Alberta on March 6, 7 & 8, 2025. The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) is