March 11- Duncan, BC – Townhall – Climate, Is the Science Settled?


Citizens Oversight Accountability Project (COAP) is excited to host their first in a series of Townhalls called Climate – Is the Science Settled? With all local policies and tax dollar usage being passed through a ‘climate lens’, from converting to walkable 15 min ‘cities’, reducing vehicle usage by 49%, stoppage of wood stove use, monitoring through streetlight surveillance, to carbon consumption being tracked and traced, removal of gas heat, and so many more life-altering adjustments, we ask…. “is the science settled?”

Join this educational townhall and meet guest speaker, from Ireland, Donal O’Callaghn. Mr. O’Callaghn is an electrical engineer and a retired scientist who held a 37-year career in a food technology research laboratory with a remit for improving manufacturing efficiency in the dairy sector, which included some projects on energy efficiency.

When: MARCH 11th – 11 am to 1 pm

Where: Cowichan Community Centre Heritage Hall

Cost: Donations are greatly accepted at the door (to help cover costs of the rental, and to host more in the series)

Visit COAP for full details

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