Join Canada Marches – Support James Topp as he Walks Across Canada


James Topp is a soldier who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for 28 years. “He is a man that all of us volunteers at #CanadaMarches have come to know as a man with great; humility, integrity and a desire to serve.” James started his march in Vancouver, Sunday, Feb 20, 2022, to march approx. 40km a day to Ottawa using the most efficient routes, that preferences major roads over back roads. There has been an overwhelming public response of Canadians that want to support James!


“We rise to serve Canadians with honesty, respect and compassion, for the purpose of reuniting our people. We do this, with the intention of ensuring our government upholds the laws that support Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”

To learn more about how you can support James, visit Canada Marches.

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