Join the public debate on mandates which have been imposed across the nation!
This month is an important one in that the Province will either extend or withdraw the Passport mandate. We all know they want to so it is up to us to say no. Join us on Jan 15 & 29 at the Leg to let them know that this is unacceptable. This rally has an action component for those that are so inclined. Please join us rain or shine and vote with your feet and have your voice heard. Spread the word!
We Unify welcomes all Canadians to join the movement for freedom! Our organization employs the talents of dedicated volunteers across Canada in projects that make our leaders and communities accountable to truth and to the rule of law.
Please join us at our upcoming events where we gather to share news on the exciting initiatives we are leading across 12 action teams. Our events are a great place to connect with like-minded members of your community.
Saturday January 15th – 12pm/noon – we are bringing together Vancouver Island to send a clear message to our elected leaders that we will not accept the current unconstitutional mandates.! RSVP here
Saturday January 29th – 12pm/noon – we are hosting a public debate to unite the Province of British Columbia! We will be joined by the architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Honourable Brian Peckford, to voice our strong opposition against any extension of the mandates beyond January 31st. RSVP here

We will be meeting at the Legislative Assembly Building – 501 Belleville St, Victoria, BC V8V 2L8
Stay tuned for further announcements!
For more information, please visit: