Donate to freedom Rising
Freedom Rising is 100% volunteer run and financed by donations. Your donations are used to support action campaigns, events, research, development of resources, legal actions and many other areas that support the protection of our rights and freedoms.
The last two years have allowed us to grow and unite both nationally and globally but we need donations for our community so we can continue to fight for the rights and freedoms of ALL. Together let’s co-create a world where the human spirit is embraced, freedom is expressed and our individual rights have been restored in every community.
How to donate
Because most financial processing service providers are unwilling to support us Vaccine Choice Canada have stepped in to help. In addition to providing us with their own financial support VCC are also handling the processing of our donations.
To ensure the privacy of your donation you can donate by:
- Interac e-transfer to london@vaccinechoicecanada.com
- Money Order
- Cheque
Make cheque or money order payable to:
Vaccine Choice Canada
PO Box 23023
Belleville, Ontario K8P 5J3
Please make a note that your donation is for Freedom Rising.
While donations will be received by VCC, all funds donated for Freedom Rising will be used to support Freedom Rising.