Dr. Monika Naus, Medical Director of the provincial Centres for Disease Control, and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, are preparing to inject our children ages 5 – 12 years under the Infants Act. A circular disseminated by the BC Centres for Disease Control encourages ‘vaccine’ providers to bypass the protective provisions of the 1996 BC Infants Act.
In the Circular Dr. Naus makes the following statements:
“The Infants Act, which explains the legal position of children under 19 years of age, indicates that there is no legal age of consent for health care in BC; instead, a minor’s ability to consent depends upon the minor’s level of maturity.”
Dr. Naus then makes the following recommendation:
“… remove the recommendation to consult with a Program Manager or Risk Management Consultant for further direction when obtaining mature minor consent for children 12 years of age and younger. This change has been made to remove any perceived barriers for such children who are deemed capable and wish to provide consent on their own behalf (i.e. mature minor consent).”
A lawyer for the Canadian Voters’ Association (CVA) has written to Dr. Monika Naus, Medical Director of the provincial Centres for Disease Control, and to Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, warning that they can and will be subject to legal action for issuing a circular that encourages ‘vaccine’ providers to bypass the clear protective provisions of the 1996 BC Infants Act, unless they rescind the offending instructions.