The following document has been prepared to share important information and actions with the Freedom Rising alliance. Please share this information with your networks.
1. Be Visible With Your Freedom
We’re cheering on the truckers, now what? Mandates don’t end with the convoy. They end when all of us stand up and live our freedoms.
We need to STAND STRONG.
We need to BE LOUDER.
We need to PUSH HARDER.
Choose an action from Twenty Acts of Freedom (attached).
2. Tell Your MP You Support the Truckers
Write, email, text, tweet, post on social media and phone your MP. Tell them that you support the truckers because the truckers support you. The truckers are doing what our MPs, MLAs and MPPs should have been doing all along – defending our Charter Rights and Freedoms.
To find your MP:
3. Understanding The Threat
In an interview with Jordan Peterson this week, the Honourable Brian Peckford, the last living First Minister who helped draft the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, outlines the significant and imminent threat we face to our democracy. After viewing you will understand why standing up now is so important. Watch it as a family. Share with your MP and MLAs/MPPs, and friends.
4. Holding Them to Account
In anticipation of an eventual accountability process to hold those responsible for violations of our rights and freedoms, we need to collect evidence of deception, distortion, fraud and criminal activity such as assault, threats, and intimidation by our elected representatives, public health, media, businesses, school trustees, law enforcement, bylaw officers and others. When you witness violations of our rights and freedoms, violations of informed consent, and intimidation of any sort, send your evidence to:

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rare commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
RFK – 1966